After you click Overview, an On Demand Streaming page will open. A small player will appear, which, if you click to play, shows a video file we use as the default video on the system.On top there is a menu with some links. One of these is “HTML Embed Code”. On this service the main player will just show the default video. Other links on the top menu are for Stats, IP and countries where your viewers are located. Don’t worry about data transfer if you are on one of our bigger packages, as we provide unlimited traffic.At the bottom, you have two important links, “File Manager” and “Build Playlist” (see image).

First, you need to upload your files. Click “File Manager” and you have 2 options. FTP, or just drag the files with your mouse and drop them on the file window (see image).

After you upload, be aware that the files must be in MP4 format, and pay attention to the bitrate, which will depend on your package. If the file is over the bitrate allowed, you cannot include it on the playlist.Now go back to your service and click on “Build Playlist”. You can create a new playlist, or if you already have one, you can manage it here.

With RTMP server your video files have a latency of only 1 or 2 seconds, but then after encoding on the server to HLS for a html5 player the latency is much higher perhaps in the order of 10 seconds, taking in to account this is for vod, meaning video streaming the latency is not that important.

By admin